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Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking

We all are well aware of the thing called “Social Media”, after all, it’s the tech era. You must have tagged your friends to the previous post you found so funny. Or remember the selfie that you last posted that got so many likes. Unknowingly or knowingly, you have participated in social bookmarking.

SEO training in Chandigarh

What does social bookmarking mean?

But what does this term “Social Bookmarking” mean? Afterall it’s not like you can take a piece of paper or a sticky note and put it on your web page. You might bookmark a web page in your browser, but this isn’t social bookmarking.

Social bookmarking can be referred to as bookmarking a page on the web instead of your browser and hence, it can be referred anywhere with an internet connection. Not only can you save and send stuff, you can also view the popular ongoing trends. Generally, when we need information regarding something we refer to search engines. But these social sites could offer better options of insights.

Technically speaking, social bookmarking is a centralized online service which allows users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents.

How does Social Bookmarking help businesses?
These days, more and more companies and individuals rely on the idea of spreading their influences through Social Bookmarking. Social Bookmarking is an essential part of digitally marketing one's businesses and companies. It enables them to gain better approach to the seekers of those particular services.

  • Less Competition: These social bookmarking sites offer the popular and most recent results. On one side were on the browser search engines it’s like searching a needle in a haystack, social bookmarking sites show fewer and better results.

  • Quality Traffic: Through social bookmarking quality traffic is drawn as the people who visit your site are the ones who have an interest in that particular area. In fact, these sites offer the best type of visitors: viral traffic.

  • Feedback Points: Social Bookmarking sites are also beneficial in terms that it generally also provides an audience review. Between a site with hundred votes and a site with two votes, it is not difficult to make the decision that which site is better.

  • Web Engine Searches: The search engines generally show the bookmarked sites. Thus, adding to the site traffic.
  • Being featured on one bookmarking site can often lead to people tagging your site on other bookmarking sites. Several different bookmarking sites can be used by people. If you are lucky they may find you through one site and bookmark you on another, which is a great opportunity for website promotion.

  • Adding Social Bookmarking Button: Increase traffic by adding social bookmarking buttons to your website. Adding social bookmark links to your blog or website makes it easy for readers to save and share your content, and therefore for others to find it.

Most commonly used Social Bookmarking sites are Pinterest, Evernote, bitly etc. that hold various categories to customize their searches. There are also other sites specifically targeting particularly news such as Reddit and Hackernews that also come under this category.

So, there is a great benefit to Social Bookmarking. The kind of traffic received through social bookmarking sites are more interested and engaged in the web pages. Hence, social bookmarking adds major points to the promotion of a webpage. To learn more about social bookmarking, you can visit SEO training in Chandigarh.


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