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SEO Techniques

SEO Techniques

Today we are going to discuss about SEO Techniques:

In SEO we are using two techniques Black hat and White Hat . During SEO training in Chandigarh First thing you must know about SEO Techniques and how they effect your website visibility and traffic.Which techniques is relevant to your web site or help your website to grow legally in search engine.

SEO Tehniques

IN SEO two Techniques are used :-
  1. Black Hat
  2. White Hat

Black Hat:-
In search engine optimization (SEO) technique, black hat SEO refers to the use of unofficial SEO technology and tactics, that interested only on search engines and not on users, and they always work opposite to search engines guidelines.

Black hat marketing strategy most commonly refers to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques. Search engine optimization indulge designing a website so that it can be found on easily on search engines, obtaining a high ranking on those search engines.Hidden text Spamming,Keyword stuffing, Cloaking are the example of black hat SEO

White Hat:-
In search engine optimization (SEO) terminology, white hat SEO refers to the usage of optimization strategies, techniques, that focus on a user's opposed to search engines and completely work according to search engine rules and policies. White hat seo is used to increase the visibility of Web Pages or websites.White hat SEO work legally on websites. No spamming or hidden text are used in it. Reputation of white hat is positive in the market.

SEO training in Chandigarh

Black Hat SEO Techniques to Avoid:-
  1. Don’t use irrelevant keywords
  2. Don’t Repeat keywords so many times in sentence
  3. Don’t Put illegible text at the bottom of the page.
  4. Blog Spamming and content spam
  5. Keyword stuffing and URL Hijacking.

White Hat SEO Techniques to Do:-
  1. Keep your content focus on topic
  2. Write a sentence which have a sense
  3. Make Link obvious
  4. Be honest and create web pages which user want and based on description
  5. Make landing pages and information pages for visitors that rich in content

For successful SEO you need to Choose a good technique. Here, CBitss Technologies provides SEO training in Chandigarh with keeping in mind to provide best staff and environment.


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