Why SEO is important for websites We are surrounded by one particular net, and we call it Internet. And yes, as the name suggests it is spread all around the globe. And you are using it for the minutest thing you want to know about and what is the best out of what you want. Right? Whenever you search something on net, a list is visible on 1stv page, and out of that list you most probably go for 1st one. Why So? Because, the thing which is sited on number one position out of rest of the listing below ought to be the best one and it is the best. Have you ever questioned yourself, that how is it possible, that what you saw today at # 1 position, is at # 1 for a week but on the eight day it was dropped down to the second position? What happen and what should be done? Here we have an answer to your question. There is a term called SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It is a process of getting your web-page or website on the top list of the...